Platform: Unreal Engine 5 (Early Development)
Roles: Gameplay Designer, Gameplay Programmer
(Video preview at end of article)

Revenant is a work-in-progress first-person shooter (FPS) built in Unreal Engine 5.

Featuring custom-made AAA-level FPS mechanics such as a procedural recoil system, modern movement controls, dynamic camera animations, and a highly versatile and expandable weapons system, players will engage in a highly varied rogue-like shooter driven by custom-made procedural generation systems and a unique scoring system that rewards skillful gameplay in a meaningful way.

Starting out vulnerable and with no gear, players will explore multiple environments in order to find a way to escape. Along the way, they will discover a wide variety of weapons and upgrades they can use to craft the super soldier of their own making - be that a tanky juggernaut, a wall-running mobility specialist, a drone operator, a light-bending illusionist, a berserker who heals from downing foes, or any combination they so choose. Builds can be further augmented with a plethora of tech-based abilities and powers to give the player an edge in battle.

From the start, the timer is ticking. Tougher and more challenging opponents will appear as time passes. Attaining all necessary goals in order to escape as well as gear to deal with these advanced threats will be nigh impossible in a single life.

Death is not the end, however.

The more the player affects the current timeline through skillful gameplay and exploration, the more items they can bring back with them in the next run. Death resets and regenerates the world, but the player will continually start out stronger each run, allowing them to live longer, go further, and discover more in their next run.
Current Features
The majority of development to date has been has been focused on creating responsive, high quality systems and features typically seen in modern AAA games. These include (but are not limited to):

● Real-time dynamic recoil system with automatic recovery
● Procedural weapon sway
● Procedural walking, running, crouching, jumping, and sprinting animations
● Coyote time
● A highly versatile and expandable weapons platform that supports switchable fire modes
● Aim down sights (ADS) with customizable zoom
● Projectile-based weapons (not hitscan)
● Elimination of first-person arm and weapon clipping into nearby surfaces
● Logical action interactions (sprint exits crouching, ADS exits sprint, etc.)
● A basic health/armor/shield system
● Melee combat
Video Preview
This preview is intended to show off some of the game's current work-in-progress features. Nothing here should be considered final. Most assets, sounds, and animations are placeholders. Many more features, items, and much more polish is planned.


